Source code for singler.annotate_integrated

from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import biocframe
import warnings

from ._utils import _clean_matrix, _restrict_features
from .train_single import train_single
from .train_integrated import train_integrated
from .classify_single import classify_single
from .classify_integrated import classify_integrated

[docs] def annotate_integrated( test_data: Any, ref_data: Sequence, ref_labels: list[Sequence], test_features: Optional[Sequence] = None, ref_features: Optional[list[Optional[Sequence]]] = None, test_assay_type: Union[str, int] = 0, ref_assay_type: Union[str, int] = "logcounts", test_check_missing: bool = False, ref_check_missing: bool = True, train_single_args: dict = {}, classify_single_args: dict = {}, train_integrated_args: dict = {}, classify_integrated_args: dict = {}, num_threads: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[list[biocframe.BiocFrame], biocframe.BiocFrame]: """Annotate a single-cell expression dataset based on the correlation of each cell to profiles in multiple labelled references, where the annotation from each reference is then integrated across references. Args: test_data: A matrix-like object representing the test dataset, where rows are features and columns are samples (usually cells). Entries should be expression values; only the ranking within each column is used. Alternatively, a :py:class:`~summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment.SummarizedExperiment` containing such a matrix in one of its assays. ref_data: Sequence consisting of one or more of the following: - A matrix-like object representing the reference dataset, where rows are features and columns are samples. Entries should be expression values, usually log-transformed (see comments for the ``ref_data`` argument in :py:func:`~singler.train_single.train_single`). - A ``SummarizedExperiment`` object containing such a matrix in its assays. ref_labels: Sequence of the same length as ``ref_data``. The ``i``-th entry should be a sequence of length equal to the number of columns of ``ref_data[i]``, containing the label associated with each column. test_features: Sequence of length equal to the number of rows in ``test_data``, containing the feature identifier for each row. Alternatively ``None``, to use the row names of the experiment as features. ref_features: Sequence of the same length as ``ref_data``. The ``i``-th entry should be a sequence of length equal to the number of rows of ``ref_data[i]``, containing the feature identifier associated with each row. It can also be set to ``None`` to use the row names of the experiment as features. This can also be ``None`` to indicate that the row names should be used for all references, assuming ``ref_data`` only contains ``SummarizedExperiment`` objects. test_assay_type: Assay of ``test_data`` containing the expression matrix, if ``test_data`` is a :py:class:`~summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment.SummarizedExperiment`. test_check_missing: Whether to check for and remove missing (i.e., NaN) values from the test dataset. ref_assay_type: Assay containing the expression matrix for any entry of ``ref_data`` that is a :py:class:`~summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment.SummarizedExperiment`. ref_check_missing: Whether to check for and remove missing (i.e., NaN) values from the reference datasets. train_single_args: Further arguments to pass to :py:func:`~singler.train_single.train_single`. classify_single_args: Further arguments to pass to :py:func:`~singler.classify_single.classify_single`. train_integrated_args: Further arguments to pass to :py:func:`~singler.train_integrated.train_integrated`. classify_integrated_args: Further arguments to pass to :py:func:`~singler.classify_integrated.classify_integrated`. num_threads: Number of threads to use for the various steps. Returns: Tuple where the first element contains per-reference results (i.e. a list of BiocFrame outputs, roughly equivalent to running :py:func:`~singler.annotate_single.annotate_single` on each reference) and the second element contains integrated results across references (i.e., a BiocFrame from :py:func:`~singler.classify_integrated.classify_integrated`). """ nrefs = len(ref_data) if nrefs != len(ref_labels): raise ValueError("'ref_data' and 'ref_labels' must be the same length") if ref_features is None: ref_features = [None] * nrefs if nrefs != len(ref_features): raise ValueError("'ref_data' and 'ref_features' must be the same length") if nrefs != len(ref_labels): raise ValueError("'ref_data' and 'ref_labels' must be the same length") test_data, test_features = _clean_matrix( test_data, test_features, assay_type=test_assay_type, check_missing=test_check_missing, num_threads=num_threads, ) all_ref_data = [] all_ref_labels = [] all_ref_features = [] for r in range(nrefs): curref_labels = ref_labels[r] if isinstance(curref_labels, str): warnings.warn( "setting 'ref_labels' to a column name of the column data is deprecated", category=DeprecationWarning ) curref_labels = ref_data[r].get_column_data().column(curref_labels) all_ref_labels.append(curref_labels) curref_data, curref_features = _clean_matrix( ref_data[r], ref_features[r], assay_type=ref_assay_type, check_missing=ref_check_missing, num_threads=num_threads, ) all_ref_data.append(curref_data) all_ref_features.append(curref_features) # Pre-slicing the test dataset so that we force the downstream analysis # to only consider genes that are present in all datasets (test and # reference). This avoids the warning in classify_integrated(). test_data, test_features = _restrict_features( test_data, test_features, curref_features ) if test_data.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError("no genes in common across test and reference datasets") all_built = [] all_results = [] for r in range(nrefs): curbuilt = train_single( ref_data=all_ref_data[r], ref_labels=all_ref_labels[r], ref_features=all_ref_features[r], test_features=test_features, **train_single_args, check_missing=False, num_threads=num_threads, ) res = classify_single( test_data, ref_prebuilt=curbuilt, **classify_single_args, num_threads=num_threads, ) all_built.append(curbuilt) all_results.append(res) ibuilt = train_integrated( test_features=test_features, ref_prebuilt=all_built, **train_integrated_args, num_threads=num_threads, ) ires = classify_integrated( test_data=test_data, results=all_results, integrated_prebuilt=ibuilt, **classify_integrated_args, num_threads=num_threads, ) return all_results, ires