Source code for celldex.upload_reference

from gypsum_client import cache_directory, rest_url, upload_directory

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] def upload_reference( directory: str, name: str, version: str, package: str = "celldex", cache_dir: str = cache_directory(), deduplicate: bool = True, probation: bool = False, url: str = rest_url(), token: str = None, concurrent: int = 1, abort_failed: bool = True, ): """Upload the reference dataset to the gypsum bucket. This is a wrapper around :py:func:`~gypsum_client.upload_file_actions.upload_directory` specific to the `celldex` package. See Also: :py:func:`~gypsum_client.upload_file_actions.upload_directory`, to upload a directory to the gypsum backend. Args: Name: Reference dataset name. version: Version name for the reference. directory: Path to a directory containing the ``files`` to be uploaded. This directory is assumed to correspond to a version of an asset. cache_dir: Path to the cache for saving files, e.g., in :py:func:`~gypsum_client.save_operations.save_version`. Used to convert symbolic links to upload links,see :py:func:`~gypsum_client.prepare_directory_for_upload.prepare_directory_upload`. deduplicate: Whether the backend should attempt deduplication of ``files`` in the immediately previous version. Defaults to True. probation: Whether to perform a probational upload. Defaults to False. url: URL of the gypsum REST API. token: GitHub access token to authenticate to the gypsum REST API. concurrent: Number of concurrent downloads. Defaults to 1. abort_failed: Whether to abort the upload on any failure. Setting this to `False` can be helpful for diagnosing upload problems. Returns: `True` if successfull, otherwise `False`. """ return upload_directory( directory, package, name, version, cache_dir=cache_dir, deduplicate=deduplicate, probation=probation, url=url, token=token, concurrent=concurrent, abort_failed=abort_failed, )