Source code for celldex.search_references

import sqlite3
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Union

from biocframe import BiocFrame
from gypsum_client import cache_directory, fetch_metadata_database
from gypsum_client.search_metadata import (

from .list_references import _format_query_results, _sanitize_query_to_output

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] @lru_cache def search_references( query: Union[str, GypsumSearchClause], cache_dir: str = cache_directory(), overwrite: bool = False, latest: bool = True, ) -> BiocFrame: """Search for reference datasets of interest based on matching text in the associated metadata. This is a wrapper around :py:func:`~gypsum_client.search_metadata.search_metadata_text`. The returned :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` contains the usual suspects like the title and description for each dataset, the number of rows and columns, the organisms and genome builds involved, whether the dataset has any pre-computed reduced dimensions, and so on. More details can be found in the Bioconductor `metadata index <>`_. See Also: :py:func:`~celldex.list_references.list_references`, to list all available datasets. :py:func:`~gypsum_client.search_metadata.search_metadata_text`, to search metadata. Examples: .. code-block:: python res = search_references("human") res = search_references(define_text_query("Immun%", partial="True")) res = search_references(define_text_query("10090", field="taxonomy_id")) Args: query: The search query string or a :py:class:`~gypsum_client.search_metadata.GypsumSearchClause` for more complex queries. cache_directory: Path to cache directory. overwrite: Whether to overwrite the existing cache. Defaults to False. latest: Whether to fetch only the latest versions of datasets. Defaults to True. Returns: A :py:class:`~biocframe.BiocFrame` where each row corresponds to a dataset, containing various columns of metadata. Some columns may be lists to capture 1:many mappings. """ bpath = fetch_metadata_database(cache_dir=cache_dir, overwrite=overwrite) where = search_metadata_text_filter(query) cond = where["where"] params = where["parameters"] conn = sqlite3.connect(bpath, check_same_thread=False) stmt = "SELECT json_extract(metadata, '$') AS meta, versions.asset AS asset, versions.version AS version, path" key_names = ["meta", "asset", "version", "path"] if not latest: stmt += ", versions.latest AS latest" key_names.append("latest") stmt += " FROM paths LEFT JOIN versions ON paths.vid = versions.vid WHERE versions.project = 'celldex'" if latest: stmt += " AND versions.latest = 1" if cond: stmt += " AND " + " AND ".join(cond) cursor = conn.execute(stmt, params) else: cursor = conn.execute(stmt) _qresults = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() results = _format_query_results(_qresults, key_names) return _sanitize_query_to_output(results, latest)