Source code for celldex.save_reference

import json
import os
import shutil
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Any, List

import dolomite_base as dl
import numpy
from gypsum_client import fetch_metadata_schema, validate_metadata
from summarizedexperiment import SummarizedExperiment

from .utils import format_object_metadata

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] @singledispatch def save_reference(x: Any, labels: List[str], path: str, metadata: dict): """Save a reference dataset to disk. Args: x: An object containing reference data. May be a :py:class:`~summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment.SummarizedExperiment` containing a assay matricx called `logcounts` of log-normalized expression values. Each row of ``column_data`` corresponds to a column of ``x`` and contains the label(s) for that column. Each column of ``labels`` represents a different label type; typically, the column name has a ``label.`` prefix to distinguish between, e.g., ``label.fine``, ``label.broad`` and so on. At least one column should be present. path: Path to a new directory to save the dataset. metadata: Dictionary containing the metadata for this dataset. see the schema returned by :py:func:`~gypsum_client.fetch_metadata_schema.fetch_metadata_schema`. Note that the ``applications.takane`` property will be automatically added by this function and does not have to be supplied. See Also: `metadata index <>`_, on the expected schema for the metadata. :py:func:`~celldex.upload_referene.upload_reference`, to upload the saved contents. Example: .. code-block:: python # create a summarized experiment object mat = np.random.poisson(1, (100, 10)) row_names = [f"GENE_{i}" for i in range(mat.shape[0])] col_names = list("ABCDEFGHIJ") sce = SummarizedExperiment( assays={"logcounts": mat}, row_data=BiocFrame(row_names=row_names), column_data=BiocFrame({ "label.fine": col_names }), ) # Provide metadata for search and findability meta = { "title": "New reference dataset", "description": "This is a new reference dataset", "taxonomy_id": ["10090"], # NCBI ID "genome": ["GRCm38"], # genome build "sources": [{"provider": "GEO", "id": "GSE12345"}], "maintainer_name": "Jayaram kancherla", "maintainer_email": "", } import shutil import tempfile cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Make sure the directory is clean shutil.rmtree(cache_dir) # Save the reference celldex.save_reference(sce, cache_dir, meta) """ raise NotImplementedError(f"'save_dataset' is not supported for objects of class: {type(x)}")
def _save_se(x: SummarizedExperiment, path, metadata): schema = fetch_metadata_schema() if "bioconductor_version" not in metadata: metadata["bioconductor_version"] = "3.19" # current release validate_metadata(metadata, schema) # checks if columns exist _cols = x.get_column_data() if len(_cols.get_column_names()) == 0: raise ValueError("'SummarizedExperiment' must contain atleast one column.") for _cn in _cols.get_column_names(): _data = _cols.get_column(_cn) if not all(isinstance(y, str) for y in _data): raise ValueError(f"All labels in 'column_data' must be a list of strings; column {_cn} does not.") if "logcounts" not in list(x.get_assay_names()): raise ValueError("Assay 'logcounts' does not exist.") _mat = x.assay("logcounts") if not numpy.issubdtype(_mat.dtype, numpy.floating): raise ValueError("Assay 'logcounts' must be log-normalized values (floats).") if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(_mat)): raise ValueError("Assay 'logcounts' cannot contain 'NaN' values.") _rows = x.get_row_names() if len(set(_rows)) != len(_rows): raise ValueError("'row_data' must contain unique row names.") if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) dl.save_object(x, path, reloaded_array_reuse_mode="symlink") takane = format_object_metadata(x) takane["type"] = dl.read_object_file(path)["type"] if "applications" not in metadata: metadata["applications"] = {} metadata["applications"]["takane"] = takane # Second validation with the takane metadata. contents = json.dumps(metadata, indent=4) validate_metadata(json.loads(contents), schema=schema) with open(os.path.join(path, "_bioconductor.json"), "w") as f: f.write(contents)
[docs] @save_reference.register def save_reference_se(x: SummarizedExperiment, path: str, metadata: dict): """Save :py:class:`~summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment.SummarizedExperiment` to disk.""" return _save_se(x, path, metadata)